Light Code fest in Petrozavodsk

For several days in September, the city of Petrozavodsk, the capital of Karelia, turned into a unique platform for Light Code Fest, a one-of-a-kind festival of light installations combined with educational events and an unusual “A Case at the Plant” experience.
The initiator and organizer of the festival was a group of practicing lighting designers, led by the teacher of the HSE School of Design Kira Fedotova, with the support of the Create PTZ creative community, the installations for the festival were created by the HSE School students.
INTILED became a partner and sponsor of this spectacular event. We always enjoy supporting projects aimed at developing a comfortable habitat and uniting people around the idea of promoting light as an instrument for a “soft” transformation, whether it is a city or a small village, because everywhere there is something what you want to tell about or show to the residents and visitors. And light can do this task perfectly well.
Light Code Fest attracted a wide audience of spectators: lighting designers, artists, creative community, residents and visitors of the city, equipment manufacturers and local business.
The festival cast not only an aesthetic vibe demonstrating interesting light installations. Its educational component combined master classes (Lighting Technologies, SWG-Estetta, Ecologist), lectures with speakers from the Artemiy Lebedev Studio (Moscow), the HSE School of Design (St. Petersburg), Producer Lumen fest (Perm) and a round table for experts.
In Petrozavodsk, the Light Code Fest has set specific goals: identifying the lighting design code of the city; attracting local youth as volunteers, art guides, creators of art objects; tourism development; increasing public responsibility; improvement of the city. These goals are relevant for any place, because it is with real actions that you can change and improve the surrounding reality.
The event is planned to be held on an annual basis, and each time in a new city. Thanks to Petrozavodsk and all participants and organizers for this festival of light!
