White light is universal when it comes to architectural and art illumination. It is with white light that unified lighting concepts are created for districts and entire cities. At the same time, monochrome projects can be truly interesting. An example of an original lighting idea successfully implemented with sole use of while light is the Rostov State Economic University (RSEU, former RINH).
The building of the university's main campus itself is a 19th century cultural heritage site located in the central part of Rostov-on-Don at the crossing of Voroshilovsky avenue and Bolshaya Sadovaya street. A massive five-floor classical-style building is replete with decorative elements. To emphasize the rich character of the facade and at the same time not to overload the visual image, IntiLED suggested a monochrome lighting concept for the project. It is built around the interplay between two tints of white light: warm (3000 K) and cold (5000 K). The interfenestral space and the carnices are outlined with warm white light. To that effect, linear IntiLINE luminaires of various lengths were employed, including the 30, 60 and 100 cm versions.
Cold white light performs the accentuating role. IntiLINE, IntiRAY and IntiROLL series luminaires place delicate emplhasis on the pilasters, the sculptures, the intrafenestral spaces and even the windows. Thus appears a rhythmic lighting pattern unfolding both horizontally and vertically. The light literally "builds" the new shape of the building - the ascending multi-level columns.
The Rostov State Economic University (RSEU) is a training and research center in southern Russia focused on training personnel for economic and legal professions. The university comprises a master's program institute, 7 departments, 40 chairs, 9 branches, a finance and economics college, a business school, a research institute, a small innovative enterprise, a media center, a printing and publishing complex and 2 health and fitness camps. The university trains specialists for 42 professions, with approximately 21 thousand students studying in RSEU (RINH) and its branches.