Sevcable port is the place where the city meets the sea

  • year:


  • lighting company:
    INTILED project in collaboration with Architectural bureau "CHVOYA"
  • installation:
  • photographer:
    Sergey Louks
About the building
“Sevcable port” is a bright and creative space in the harbor of Vasilevsky Island. Recently closed industrial area - today it is one of the most welcoming and hospitable places where you can spend time enjoying the sea air and the exciting scenery of the Gulf of Finland. The creative cluster has become a mecca of creativity and freedom. The functional content of buildings is very diverse. The historic red-brick buildings are mostly occupied by small art workshops, bureaus and offices, with restaurants on the first floors and a former workshop turned into a cozy event space. The architecture of the space adheres to the principle of “genius loci”. This approach emphasizes the existing features of the built-up area, hence the port buildings have retained the industrial architecture of the 1970s and the aesthetics of the pre-revolutionary building "Siemens & Halske".
Lighting concept and goals
For each individual object: the Tesla generator, plant building and ice rink, located in the "Sevcable Port" space, an individual concept was developed, which flows smoothly into a single light idea. It was necessary to make these art objects a place of attraction for guests, but at the same time not to destroy the holistic lighting image that was originally incorporated into the project.
Project implementation
For the facade of the factory, lighting implemented with colored light was chosen to stylistically highlight the building and emphasize that this building is an example of more recent architecture. For this purpose, IntiSTARK fixtures were installed in niches in the facade overlooking the sea side. The light emphasizes the tectonics of the building and creates a special lighting scenario, the LINE fixtures with a warm color temperature are placed along the contour.
The Tesla generator is a separate art object equipped with custom IntiSTARK spotlights with a double set of Amber diodes. This was necessary to obtain a pure golden hue, without unnecessary impurities. An additional blue channel is used for the dynamic scenario, when we recreate the effect of electric discharges.
IntiSTARK RGB series color equipment was also used at the rink "By the Sea" to create a special, bright and dynamic atmosphere. The shimmering colors in a varied and clean color scheme create the mood of winter fairs and never-ending festivities.
In addition, special vandal-resistant grids were developed for the project, which mask the fixtures, but do not affect the luminous flux. The grids are hidden from the eyes of the guests and fit perfectly into the overall composition of the industrial architecture.
All the lighting is operated from a single control panel and from one LightCAD control system, which allows you to manage all the lighting in a single mode and create common scenarios.

lighting equipment