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Services for our partners

Our passion and enthusiasm do not seize even after being in the job for so long. We care if other specialists find it enjoyable to use our equipment, we care to make our systems easy to install and work with, we care how the project will look like after completion, in 5 or 10 years.

We demonstrate our caring through the various support services for our partners to assist working with the INTILED equipment. This increases the predictability of the result and reduces the likelihood of any potential issues at the facility throughout the entire life cycle.


Lighting design

Conducting mock-ups and simulations

Designing controls systems

Installation supervision and commissioning

Provision of lighting equipment for installations and festivals

Lighting design

Sketches, visualizations in Adobe Photoshop, modeling in 3DS Max, lighting layouts in CAD drawings, lighting calculations in DIALux, video presentations of lighting concepts

Conducting mock-ups and simulations on site

We try to collect as much information as possible about the project at the initial design stage in order to develop the most suitable and accurate lighting proposal. This includes visiting the site, testing of various lighting solutions and propositions, advising the creators of the lighting project and the architects on the applicability of the lighting equipment and any technical nuances.

    Designing lighting control systems

    No modern project is complete without a lighting controls system. What can we offer with regards to controls? Assisting in equipment and software selection, generating block diagrams of the controls system, setting up controls hardware at the production stage, creating lighting scenarios. We work with all available protocols including DMX-512, DALI, SPI, PWM.

    Installation supervision and commissioning

    INTILED engineers visiting the site first-hand for installation briefing; testing and commissioning of the lighting systems, including the controls systems, by the INTILED engineers. The maximum control on our part reduces the risks of any inaccurate connection of the controls system and as a result a possible incorrect operation of the lighting equipment at the facility.

    Provision of lighting equipment for installations and festivals

    • Light Nights in Gatchina

      2018, 2022, 2023
    • Luci in Riviera

      2016, 2018
    • Circle of light

    • TAVA


    • among others


    Saint Petersburg - head office and manufacture
    +7 812 380 65 04

    Moscow - sales office
    +7 495 510 27 65
    business hours: mon-fri 9-18 (GMT+3)