IntiLED at the World Winter Universiade 2019
supply:Avers Company

On 2 March, the Opening Ceremony of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 took place in Krasnoyarsk. For over 50 years, student sports games have been the second largest international event in the world sports arena.
Competitions will be held at 12 sports fields, including the Ivan Yarygin Sports Palace. By the Winter Universiade 2019, the sports complex was reconstructed, new ice equipment was installed, and all utility systems were modernized. The shape of the sports complex resembles an old caravel vessel. Despite the fact that the building was built during the Soviet era, its architecture still retains its relevance. To emphasize the innovative architecture of the building, IntiLED lighting designers used a combination of flood and accent lighting, thus showing the volume of the building and highlighting its details.
RGBW-spotlights of the IntiSTARK series installed on the stylobate of the Sports Palace uniformly illuminate the entire facade. The uniformity was achieved due to the different angles of lighting of the spotlights of 10°, 30°, and 80°. The decent geometry of the palace architecture is underlined by the lighting line along the upper edge of the facade. It consists of 274 monochrome luminaires of the IntiTUBE series of neutral white light. The lighting outline is interrupted by the main vertical illuminated by spotlights of the IntiSTARK series. Interfenestral spaces are emphasized with the help of accent luminaires of the IntiROLL series. A narrow lighting angle of 10° made it possible to eliminate the blinding effect. The name of the stadium is illuminated by IntiLINE luminaires
Luminaires controlled by the DMX-512 protocol may both create unique color-dynamic scenarios for festive events and fix any color.