1 244 units of IntiLED equipment for lightening the Moscow Metro
lighting company:company "Workshop of light"
supply:company "Workshop of light"

Underground lighting is not only one of the most interesting topics in lightning design, but also one of the most conservative. The electric lightening norms of Moscow Metro, prescribed in SNiP in the middle of the 20th century, did not change until 2003. Then the requirements for lighting of the stations were minimal - it was necessary to ensure the passenger safety. So far, the approach has changed. The most important tasks are solved in their own way at each station: how to comply with strict security measures, to ensure a high degree of comfort for passengers and emphasize outstanding architecture.
In summer of 2018, the light art decorated the facades of 14 recently renovated metro stations (“Sportivnaya”, “Sokol Vostochnyi”, “Barrikadnaya”, “Taganskaya”, “Alekseevskaya”, “Rizhskaya”, “Kurskaya”, “Sokol Zapadny”, “Kuznetsky Most”, “Kurskaya Arbatsko–Pokrovskaya line"," Arbatskaya"," Alexandrovskiy Sad","Paveletskaya","Barrikadnaya","Avtozavodskaya"). 1 244 units of LED equipment IntiLED were used for project implementation.
While choosing the colours and lighting techniques, specialists took into account the history of the stations creation, as well as their architectural features. The "Kuznetskiy most" and "Barrikadnaya" stations, which do not have the status of monuments, received coloured lighting, but which doesn`t prevail over the neutral general one. RGBW-lamps of the IntiLINE series illuminate in purple the bas-relief on the station "Barrikadnaya" with the image of the heroes of 1905, giving it the look of solemnity.
Lamps of the IntiSLIM series with oval optics of warm white lite emphasize decorative elements of the "Taganskaya" station, which is recognized as an object of cultural heritage, and also illuminate the vaults of the azure - blue ceiling of the station. Classical lighting, using dimmable IntiSLIM series lamps and IntiTOP compact projectors were selected for decoration of the "Sokol" and "Sportivnaya" stations. Warm white light is used in half-open spaces, cold - to emphasize the white classical elements- attic, ramparts, cornices, neutral - for the purpose of visually enlarge the surface of the facade. Entrance lobby of the stations "Alekseevskaya", "Rizhskaya" and "Kurskaya" are illuminated with warm white light of IntiSPARK series projectors.
Due to dimmable equipment and the possibility of switching on different groups of braziers, lighting has two modes - evening and night. They will be used depending on the length of daylight.