Technopark Imeni Lobachevsky in Innopolis - bionic architecture of the future
installation:OOO Soyuz
supply:OOO Soyuz
photographers:Andrey Vysotskiy

About the project
Innopolis is a special location. This is the first city in Russia that was created and built in the 21st century. The innovative architecture of the city traces the best bionic traditions - a connection with nature harmoniously conveyed by the Singaporean architect Tai Liu Ker, the director of RSP Architects Planners & Engineers. A company from Kazan, Innopolis Architect was engaged in the external appearance and landscaping of the territory. The futuristic buildings transferred from architectural models to life helped turn Innopolis into a place of unlimited innovative possibilities, and the INTILED equipment enhances this effect, as an example with the lighting scheme for Technopark named after N.I. Lobachevsky.
Lighting concept and goals
Lobachevsky Technopark is an important architectural part of the Innopolis geometric composition, hence the lighting task was to preserve this status in the evening. The bright lighting solution highlighted the unusual shape of the building and formed an analogue of the media façade due to the light dynamics.
Project implementation
The design features of bionics in architecture are, as a rule, glass façades and unconventional shapes. Considering these factors and the impossibility of mounting the devices on a glass surface, it was decided to place RGBW luminaires of the EDGE family in the openings of panoramic windows, which allowed us to create an individual lighting effect for each floor of the Technopark. As an additional element, a contour accent was set for the entrance group of the building with the help of IntiSLIM luminaires.
To control the dynamic lighting scenarios at the facility, a lighting control system board with LIGHTCAD software and a monitor on the front panel is installed. The monitor displays a model of the building with all the mounted luminaires to make it easy to control scenarios and, if necessary, make adjustments.